Saturday, October 20, 2012

Blue-rugula Burgers

This is a recipe Mike found from Rachael Ray.  Honestly one of the best hamburgers, or should I say steakburgers I have ever had.

I don't think I've ever had a 100% ground sirloin burger before, and now I'm not sure I want regular hamburger again! Such a unique and wonderful flavor!

We also found bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers at the store.  Delicious and so much easier than making from scratch! 

Quick tip; stick the blue in the freezer for a couple minutes before slicing. 
I've never had Cambazola blue cheese before. I would say it is like a blue brie, very soft and very blue. We were a little worried the blue might be to strong, but the flavor paired wonderfully with the sirloin burger. Don't be afraid to heap the cheese on top of the burger!

This burger was absolutely amazing!  The burger itself has garlic and Worcestershire in it and because it was ground sirloin and not ground chuck (ground steak vs. ground hamburger) it was so meaty and very high quality.  We found wonderful fresh-baked buns at the bakery in King Soopers and once they were toasted they were perfect to hold up this flavorful burger.  The onions on top were so much more than just onions.  Caramelized for 20 minutes,  a dash of brown sugar and then spicy mustard... I felt like they could have been a meal in themselves!  Top that with the spicy Arugula and the melted Cambazola and you have a flavor explosion in your mouth!  We were a little worried about too much of any one thing (Cambazola, Arugula, or Onions) but words can't describe how much flavor this burger has so don't worry - it would be almost impossible to overdue any one ingredient. 

Seriously - make this burger, whether it's date night, family dinner, anything, you could do all the prep work before and it really wasn't hard to make - at all!  I found it on an episode of Rachel Ray's 30 minute meals and it didn't take us longer either.  Super easy, and we both agreed, one of, if not THE best burger we've ever had!  Enjoy!

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